
Frameworkknit­tersmu­seum | Museum Nottingham Framework Knitters Museum

Visit a living knitters museum in Nottingham. Restored cottages & workshops arranged around a garden…

Bir­mingham­mu­seums | Birmingham Museums

Birmingham Museums provide a fascinating glimpse into Birmingham’s rich and vibrant past and showcase world…

museumofqua­ckery | museumofqua­ckery

Dubbed ‘The Quackery Hall of Fame,’ the museum is the world’s largest display of what…

Twmuseums | Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums

We bring you art, history, science, archives…you bring it to life

Nhm | Natural History Museum

Explore nature and culture from the inside out. Oh, we love dinosaurs. But we can…

Hmns | Houston Museum of Natural Science

Visit the nationally acclaimed Houston Museum of Natural Science. Discover Texas wildlife, dinosaurs, Egypt, and…

Romanbaths | Roman Baths, Bath Welcome to the Roman Baths

The official website for the Roman Baths museum, the major tourist attraction in South West…

Kid­sin­mu­seums | Home Kids in Museums

Working with museums to help them welcome and include families, teenagers and children

Portlan­dartmu­seum | Portland Art Museum Portland, Oregon

The Portland Art Museum’s mission is to engage and enrich diverse communities through the presentation,…

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